Winston is a dog which is about 10 months old. His owner didn’t have any plans in getting him or any dogs in particular.
He already got two cats and a bird which takes a lot of his time. These cats differ in their age. The two cats are respectively 18 and 7 years old. The younger one always get his owner’s attention and the older one just wait around for his owner when it is feeding time. The bird is quite noisy, but when she is is feed she actually behaves.
When was browsing the web, there was this page about a puppy in a local animal shelter that was still a newborn. At first glance, he decided that he wanted the puppy for himself. The face of the puppy was telling me that he got a smart comment. He directly went to the local animal shelter just to get the puppy. He had no expectations about the amount his going to spend to this puppy. For the past ten months, this puppy has been giving him joy for most of the time.
He put Winston in the passenger seat when he is driving, but most of the time the dog keeps bothering him. He decided to research more about how to travel with pets Most of it showed a lot of things which are useless.
He likes to travel a lot, so he wants to know how to travel with pets. He thought about flying his dog in an airplane while he will drive in the car together with his two cats. Though he thinks that that is it pretty expensive and weird to do that since he actually doesn’t like flying.
When he went traveling to Wyoming, he left Winston to a dog trainer for a week. It was okay but isn’t really a good idea if he will be traveling in further states, and he can’t leave him all the time since he wants to be with his dog and can’t be apart with him longer.
When it comes to hotel rooms, most of them don’t allow pets. It isn’t easy to bring a pet together with your travels they are your family so it’s necessary to go travel with them.
When he travels, he wants to bring his dog because he wants his dog to go climb a mountain. He is currently looking for more info with regards to traveling to far places with his pets. His dog bothers him every time he drives which is not really a good idea to bring him to one of his travels.